How we feel, determines how we behave on a surface level. So when you don’t feel confident, it shows on the outside, it shows in your performance and how you relate to the world around you. That’s because what's happening in your unconscious mind, has a profound impact on everything that you think, feel and do. And by fixing what’s under the surface, everything else above it clicks into place. 

Anxiety Is In The Mind 

Anxiety is something we all experience at one time or another. But for some people, that anxiety can become so severe it eclipses everything else, and reduces the ability to function normally. Whether that anxiety exists due to a traumatic experience, or it is an accumulation of stressful circumstances and situations, it must be appropriately dealt with, in order for you to move on in a healthy, balanced way. 
Releasing trauma and anxiety from your mind isn’t about “focusing on the positives”. Indeed, what you’re actually doing is trying to distract yourself. You may find this improves things temporarily, but if you’re experiencing anxiety or recovering from a particularly traumatic period in your life, ignoring the way you’re feeling will not only prevent recovery, but may be actively making you worse. 
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and similar therapies, use cognitive, logical strategies to minimise symptoms of anxiety, but does nothing to address the root cause. Hypnotherapy on the other hand, resolves trauma by taking you deep within yourself where the problem originates, to release, re-frame and resolve anxiety and trauma at an unconscious level. 

Treating Anxiety and PTSD 

Hypnotherapy is a particularly effective way for treating anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Imagine a boxing ring, in which two fighters are pitted against each other. In one corner is your conscious mind; your intelligent, rational self, and that little voice inside, whispering “you can do this”. And on the opposite side of the ring is your primitive, unconscious mind. It is bigger, stronger and infinitely more powerful than you are, meaning the odds are not in your favour. 
Now what most people do is focus on the conscious fighter, teaching it tips and tricks and strategies to try and beat the opponent. This “conscious you” attacks using logic and reasoning. The problem is that the unconscious mind doesn’t respond to logic or reasoning, and therefore anything you do in the fight is ultimately ineffective, and will cause you considerable pain in the process. 
Another common strategy is to focus on the positive things in your life, effectively ignoring your opponent. Granted, this is less painful than an all-out offensive assault, but ignoring a problem doesn't mean it goes away, and you lose the fight by default. 
You’re backing the wrong fighter! 
It’s the unconscious mind where your focus should be. You see, what makes it so damaging is that it doesn’t respond to logic. Like a creature from mythology, its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. Being unaffected by logic makes it highly suggestable, and by engaging with your unconscious mind and communicating with it in a language it understands, you can alter its perceptions, change the belief system, and then it no longer wants to fight. It is perfectly happy sitting in the middle of the ring, rolling a ball on the floor, not bothering anyone. You win! 

Increasing Confidence With Hypnotherapy 

Let me start by saying, there’s no such thing as “Confidence”. That’s right! Confidence is a state of mind, not an emotion in its own right, although it’s certainly influenced by emotions. When people talk about “having confidence” what they really mean is fear, or more specifically, a lack of fear. Now think what could you do, if you were less afraid?... 
How we feel determines how we behave on a surface level. So when you don’t feel confident, it shows on the outside, it shows in your performance, and how you relate to the world around you. That’s because what’s happening in your unconscious mind, has a profound impact on everything that you think, feel and do. And by fixing what’s under the surface, everything else above it clicks into place. 
Fear is a primary emotion and based in the unconscious mind. All living creatures feel fear, and it’s fundamental to survival. If you were suddenly confronted by a hungry lion, fear would trigger your natural “fight or flight” response, flooding your system with stress hormones, namely Adrenaline and Cortisol, causing a partial shutdown of cognitive functions, (similar to trance) and prepares you to either fight or flee.  
So fear is essential, and although you might be tempted, you wouldn’t want to remove fear completely. Remember the lion! And the really interesting thing is, the threat doesn’t have to be real…your mind just has to perceive it as real. And sometimes things go wrong, the wiring gets screwed up, and that fight or flight response kicks in when it isn’t needed. We call this Anxiety. 
Anxiety has a profound impact on your physical and mental state, increasing your stress hormones, whilst limiting your rational thought processes, so that you become confused and tongue-tied. And from somewhere deep down, there’s an overwhelming sense of dread. 
When you suffer from anxiety, you live in your head. You believe yourself to be a deep thinker. Well, that may be true, but when you suffer from anxiety, you’re not really thinking…not with the logical part of your mind at least. What you’re actually doing, is using the creative part of your mind to imagine the worst case scenario, and how you’ll cope when things go wrong. This in turn, increases your anxiety, making those thoughts of something going wrong in the future, all the more intrusive. And so the cycle continues, getting progressively worse. 
You may know the source of your anxiety, or you may not. Sometimes you think you know, and you discover it’s about something else entirely. The important thing is, hypnosis delves deep into the conscious mind, so you’ll know when and how it originated. We call this sort of therapy; Regression. Literally, regressing to cause. And once you recognise it, you’re in a position to change it. 
Over 4-6 sessions, several therapeutic techniques are used to release the anxiety and free yourself from intrusive negative thought patterns, like going inside and pressing the RESET button, so that you only feel fear when it’s absolutely necessary, the way you were meant to. And once the anxiety is gone, your confidence inevitably increases, and you’ll instinctively become calmer and more relaxed. Hypnosis develops your self-belief, so you have the confidence to take control if you need to, and at the same time, let go of important things. 
So if you find yourself spending a disproportionate amount of time and energy, worrying about things that haven’t happened yet, click here for a free consultation, and learn how hypnotherapy can help you feel better. 

Motivate Yourself With Hypnotherapy 

Stress and trauma are often easy to identify, but a lack of motivation is different. You may not feel particularly worried or stressed, but are still unable to motivate yourself, like your "get up and go", got up and left, and you don't know why. 
Essentially, the problem is a lack of focus and imagination, which is all motivation really is. Hypnotherapy is particularly effective at channelling your focus, increasing both your attention and absorption, so that you’re able to concentrate on what you need to. Your creative abilities flourish in hypnotic trance, allowing new ideas and insights to build and shape your thinking, giving you the clarity and vision to incorporate what you learn, in a way that makes your life better. 
Lacking motivation and self-belief will only set you back. Hypnotherapy can give you tools you need to break free from the stagnation, by focusing your mind and providing you with the confidence, energy and motivation to achieve your full potential. So if your motivtion needs a nudge, or even a huge boot in the right direction, click here to book a free consultation. 

Healing the Inner-Child with Hypnotherapy 

We aren't who we are because of the things we have gone through. We are who we are, because of the way we allow those things to affect us. In short; Perception is everything! 
The damaged child is impulsive, narcissistic, dependent, needy and afraid of being abandoned. They haven't learned to regulate their emotions or act from logic and reason. Such a child is likely to act out, and a damaged inner child is no different. However, healing the inner child with hypnotherapy can eliminate these feelings and behaviours, even in adulthood.  
Ignoring your inner child is never a good idea. Just as a normal child acts out when they want attention, so does the inner child. And the more you try to silence your inner child, the more they will try to get your attention, though increasingly destructive behaviours, such as; 
Anxiety and Depression 
Self harm 
Substance Misuse 
You can't fix your inner child. Once the damage is done, it becomes a part of your history if nothing else. For most people, it changes the way they feel, think and behave. Although you can't fix the inner child, you can help it heal it. Hypnotherapy allows you to communicate directly with your inner child, making it a particularly powerful therapy for those who suffered a difficult childhood, and those who are not able to relate to their inner selves.  
Inner-Child is one technique used in a particular branch of thereapy, called Regression. This type of therapy requires a deeper level of trance, and is effective at unlocking and releasing hidden emotions. Hypnosenses offers a number of regression therapies, to uncover and resolve deep-routed beliefs and traumas.  
You can't change what happened, but you can change the way you think about it, so that overtime, the scars become lighter and begin to fade. So if you're ready to let go of the past, click here to book a free consultation. 

Not just a state of mind... 

“For me, anxiety feels as if everyone in the world is waiting for me to trip up, so that they can laugh at me. It makes me feel nervous and unsure whether the next step I take is the best way forward.” 
“I've never been more stressed in my life than the 6 months leading up to my wedding. Everyone kept asking me if I was happy and expecting me to be excited all the time but I just couldn't feel it. I ended up getting really ill.” 
“My self esteem has almost disappeared. I don't know how to interact with people anymore and find it hard to enjoy the things that I like.” 
“I criticise myself in a way I wouldn't dream of doing to others.” 

Healing Your Heart With Hypnotherapy 

It's never easy to walk away from a relationship, even when it's destructive. It doesn't matter how much friends and family tell you they are no good, your heart wants what it wants and you can think of very little else. You can't sleep, can't concentrate or eat properly and it seems like the only person that can take the pain away, is the one that has caused it... 
If you are having difficulty letting go of someone, hypnotherapy can help. Hypnosis uses the power of the unconscious mind to heal from within and bring your negative emotions under control. 
Individual Sessions: £80 
Four Sessions: £290 
Six Sessions: £410 
Fill in the contact form to book a free consultation in-clinic or online 
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